Everyday Experiences Follow-up 7

Dear Participant,

Below you can find our voice recorder. You will be asked to describe two events; first, we will ask you to describe something your partner did today that irritated, upset or frustrated you. This might have been something very minor, or it might have been something big. There are no right or wrong reasons for feeling hurt, upset, frustrated or irritated by a partner, so just say what comes to mind. Please provide as much detail about what they said and did/did not do, and why it made you feel the way you did.

In the next step, you will be asked to describe something your partner did today that made you feel loved or cared for. This might have been something very minor, or it might have been something big. There are no right or wrong reasons for feeling cared for or loved by a partner, so just say what comes to mind. Please provide as much detail about what they said and did/did not do, and why it made you feel the way you did.

Before you start, make sure to enter your prolific ID. Also ensure to press “start recording” before you start and press “stop recording” when you’ve finished. Only after you have responded to the first question will you be able to record the second prompt. Thank you!

Before you start recording, make sure to enter your prolific ID below!

Enter information to enable recording

Enter information to enable recording
I confirm that I have read both the Everyday Experiences Follow-up 7 and the Everyday Experiences Follow-up 7 and agree to those terms